Third Semi-Annual Broad Precision Public Health Symposium (PPHS)
The Grand Challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance. “A generative deep learning approach to de novo antibiotic design”, Boston (2024)Boston Area Parasitology Seminar “Accelerating structure-based antimicrobial discovery and design with deep learning”, Boston (2023)
Mini symposium on parasite metabolism, University of Geneva, Switzerland (2019)
LS2: "Quantitative Network Biology: from physical models to artificial intelligence". Kandersteg, Switzerland (2018)
3rd International Conference on Systems Biology, ETH Zürich (2017)
PhD students retreat, Champéry, Switzerland (2017) Best talk award
Boston University Medical Center (2022-2023)
Course PM 802: Systems Pharmacology and Therapeutics II.
Poster presentations
Annual Broad Retreat and Broad ML in Drug Discovery Symposium “Computationally-assisted discovery and design of new antibiotics” (2022-2023)
28th Annual Molecular Parasitology Meeting (MPM), Woodshole, USA (2017) Day, Bern, Switzerland (2016)
Advanced Lecture Course on Systems Biology, Innsbruck, Austria (2016)
Lipari School on Computational Dynamic Analysis of Biological Processes, Italy (2015)
Host-Pathogen Interactions retreat, Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland (2015)
Annual PhD students retreat, Switzerland (2015-2019) Best poster award
National Conference on Computer Aided Drug Design (NCCAD'11), Chennai, India (2011)
Youth activities
Member of the organising committee for the "National Conference on Computer Aided Drug Design" NCCAD (2011)
Volunteered at the 98th Indian Science Congress (2011)
Participated in an International Conference on “Eliminating Hunger and Poverty” by the M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (2010)
Earned special recognition for contribution towards Bio-Express, Life Sciences Magazine (2009)
Member of the organizing committee for the "National Seminar On Bioinformatics Applications In Medical Sciences" NSBAMS (2009)
Volunteered at Milan, University Cultural Festival (2008-09)
Participated in a National Level Techno-Management Fest, Aaruush (2008)
Participated in an awareness rally: “Blood donation, eye donation and don’t drink and drive” (2008)
Participated in an International Workshop on “Recent Advances in Bioengineering" (2008)
Member of NSS (National Service Scheme- Unit II), SRM IST (2007-08)
Organized quiz competitions for the National Science Day (2007)
Participated in the “Regional Convention on Unfinished Agenda for Youth” Organised by the Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (2007)
Participated in a National Level Symposium on Gene Revolution (2007)
Held the post of House Captain at Kendriya Vidyalaya, Hebbal, Bangalore (high-school) and Kendriya Vidyalaya, IIT Madras (secondary-school) (2003-07)